The Center For Professional Exchange

関係各位 拝啓 時下益々ご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。 さて、2005年に設立されたCEPEX(シーペックス)「センター・フォー・プロフェッショナル・エクスチェンジ」は、お陰様で最初に企画した活動期間の10年を無事に終えましたが、次世代の知日派親日派の育成が急務という昨今の状況を鑑み、この度、体制を一新して更に10年間の活動延長の手続きを行いました。これまでのご協力に厚く御礼を申し上げるとともに、引き続きご指導・ご鞭撻の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 (1)活動10年延長・新体制: The original charter was set for a period of ten years. As we look at the state of U.S. and Japan relations, we perceive the need for our mission to help cultivate the next generation of Japan hands, and provide an organizing partner for our Japanese counterparts, remains as strong […]

The Center for Professional Exchange (CEPEX) was originally established in 2005. In the past ten years, the organization has successfully upheld the mission of supporting young Americans interested in Japan and young Japanese professionals in Washington, DC. CEPEX has held numerous educational events and conferences at Vanderbilt University, Georgetown University, Florida International University, University of […]

CEPEX President Nicole Uehara participated on the JETAADC Career Panel held on October 2, 2015. The JET Program alumni organization in DC annually hosts a special career event with alumni guest speakers on a graduate school panel and career panel for recently returned JET Program participants. Panelists included JET alumni working at the State Department; […]