The Center For Professional Exchange

CEPEX held a seminar in Torrance, CA. To view a short video introduction see: The Center for Professional Exchange (Short Introduction) To view the full video, see: The Center for Professional Exchange (Full version)

Innovations for Sustainability in Consumer Returns: Reverse Logistics Join us to learn about the retail and return market in a Japan – America collaborative! View the event flyer. Save your spot by filling out the RSVP form.

CEPEX continues to promote its new vocational training project with a second seminar held at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville from 12-2 pm on June 21, 2024. The initiative was supported by the Consulate General of Japan in Nashville and the North American Division of Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Center for Professional […]

CEPEX launched the brand new vocational training project with Northwest Technical Institute (NWTI), Springdale, Arkansas on April 8, 2024. This initiative has supported by Japan Foundation in New York under the Japan – U.S. Global Partnerships Small Grant. The kick-off seminar titled “ Japan -America Joint Vocational Training Program for all Returns Market” began with […]

This event is supported by Japan Foundation in New York 本件は国際交流基金 NYのグローバルパートナーシップ助成事業です

Established in 2005 in Washington, DC, the Center for Professional Exchange (CEPEX) is a non-profit (501c3) organization, that provides support and collaboration at the professional level between the US and Japan. Recently CEPEX has been exploring a new initiative in the post/with-COVID-19 era. Yukio Tada, Chairman of the Board of CEPEX, visited 6 states on […]

開催報告:講義「国際関係概論」にて、米国非課税NPO法人CEPEX(Center for Professional Exchange)理事長の多田幸雄先生にご登壇いただきました。 長崎大学経済学部では、文部科学省に採択されたグローバル人材育成事業の一環として始めた、「国際関係概論」という1年生向けの授業を開講しています。グローバル社会で活躍するには何が必要なのか。政府機関、民間企業、NGO等、国際舞台の第一線でご活躍の方々にご登壇いただいています。 今年度の最終回となる7月28日(金)には、米国NPO法人CEPEX理事長の多田幸雄先生(経済学部客員教授、元双日ワシントン支店長)にご登壇いただきました。国内外を問わず、そしてビジネスや政治行政などの垣根を越えて、第一線でご活躍されてきたご経験を踏まえた授業内容で、今後の長い人生で何をしたいのかを考え、実現してほしい、と受講生を激励されました。さらには、生成系AIを授業内で実際に使用しつつ、その有用性と注意点などを紹介するとともに、今後の社会の変化や受講生の生き方への指針を示唆して下さいました。また、九州大学ビジネススクールの野崎氏にも登壇いただき、女性公務員としてのご経歴を踏まえて、お話いただきました。授業後には、1対1で話を聞きたい受講生による長い質問の列ができました。本授業は、新入生に今後を考える機会を提供することを目的とするものですが、その最後を締めくくる、非常に有意義な授業となりました。

We are deeply saddened by the shocking news of the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Throughout his tenure as Japan’s longest-serving prime minister he strengthened the US-Japan bilateral relationship from the grassroots through the senior government level. CEPEX fondly remembers the strong support from both Prime Minister Abe and his wife, Akie Abe, […]

As the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program celebrates its 35th anniversary, alumni members from across the US, plus a few attendees from Canada and Japan, gathered in Seattle, WA, for a special reunion conference. The JET35 event was a mixture of official programming with speeches and panels, plus off-site excursions and activities arranged by […]