The Center For Professional Exchange

CEPEX co-sponsored the first ISG (International Study Group) closed workshop on “Building Sustainable Peace and Security” with the Gulf Research Center and Sojitz Research Institute at the Japanese Diet Members Building on Tuesday, October 26. This event was a brand new initiative and “Chatham House Rules” applied. 1. Topics: In addition to Far East Asia, […]

Join the Center for Professional Exchange (CEPEX) and the University of Colorado’s Center for Asian Studies (CAS) for a seminar exploring how Japan, one of the world’s most energy efficient countries, and Colorado, a leader in the U.S., can move toward sustainability and work together in bringing about a cleaner, greener world. See promotional flier here. […]

On Saturday, October 16, CEPEX hosted an informal, off the record dinner with former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and current LDP Party Shadow Cabinet Foreign Minister Itsunori Onodera. The event was attended by approximately thirty-five guests and took place at Tono Sushi in Woodley Park. In attendance were many former JETs who have continued […]

CEPEX continued its support of U.S.-Japan relations by helping to arrange for former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s presence at the October 15th dedication ceremony of a newly created Japanese garden at Great Falls Elementary School in Virginia. For many years, Abe and his wife, Akie Abe, have been strong supporters of the Great Falls Elementary […]

PRESS RELEASE 米国グレートフォールズ小学校訪日団の支援の件 【実施日時:2010年7月13日(火)午後2時半~5時半】 今夏、米国バージニア州フェアファックス郡で日本語イマーション・プログラムを導入しているグレートフォールズ公立小学校 http://www.fcps.edu/GreatFallsES/の生徒・父兄による卒業記念の訪日旅行が行われました。これは15年以上も続く恒例の自主行事で、今回は7月2~14日にかけて実施され、参加者は生徒11名、父兄10名。福山市にある姉妹校の広島加計学園 英数学館小学校の訪問を含め、日本各地を訪れて帰国前日に東京に戻ってきました。 CEPEXでは2005年の設立以来、日本語教育のテコ入れを願ってフェアファックス郡の日本語イマーション・プログラムへの支援活動を続けていますが、近年、米国では財政難から日本語教育の廃止・縮小が顕著です。そこで今回は最終日に、総理官邸、外務省、文科省、駐日米国大使への表敬をアレンジして、同プログラムへの支援協力をアピールしました。午後の3時間強で4か所を回る慌ただしいスケジュールでしたが、各訪問先で小学6年生を終えたばかりの生徒たちは日本語で自己紹介を行い、卒業式の定番曲「桜の栞」を合唱しました。今回の取組みには古川内閣官房副長官、ルース米国大使、門司外務省広報文化交流部長、中川文部科学副大臣をはじめ大勢の関係者の皆さまから絶大なるご協力を頂き、日米の次世代の懸け橋を、日米官民学NGOが共同して支援するイベントとなりました。ここに厚く御礼申し上げます。 CEPEX 理事長 多田幸雄 グレートフォールズ小学校の訪日団名簿 父兄【10名】                              生徒【11名】 Great Falls Elementary School Trip Roster Parents/ Guardians (10) Students (11) 1 Greg Apostolou Alexis Apostolou 2 Eugene Canfield Jonathan Canfield 3 Chad Fredrick Rebecca Canfield 4 Jennifer Fredrick Robert Fredrick 5 Charlotte  Johnson Erin Fredrick 6 Rene Doucet Mark  Johnson 7 […]

George Mason University student Kaloyan Kostov recently returned from a ten day trip to Japan as the inaugural winner of the CEPEX Japan Studies Award. Kaloyan began his trip with a brief internship at the Sojitz Research Institute in Tokyo where he drafted a report on the Asia Development Bank. On a visit to the […]

CEPEX Japan Studies Award winner Kaloyan Kostov started his internship at the Washington D.C. office of Sojitz Corporation of America this week. Between visits to Capitol Hill to attend congressional hearings and going to events at local think tanks, Kaloyan has been gathering data for an in-depth research project. The two week internship in Washington, […]

Thank you  applicants for showing interest in the inaugural CEPEX Japan Studies Award. We received a lot of projects and were impressed by the variety and quality of the research papers. We finally narrowed the submissions down to three finalists. The two runners up for this year are Catherine Nguyen and Dirk Macorol. Catherine wrote […]

The 2010 CEPEX Japan Studies Award CEPEX is proud to be sponsoring the inaugural Japan Studies Award. The goal of this contest is to support young would-be professionals interested in Japan and to strengthen the overall U.S.-Japan relationship. The 2010 Japan Studies Award was open to undergraduate students in good standing currently enrolled in the […]

The 2010 CEPEX spring board meeting was held in Tokyo two weeks ago on Sunday, May 9th.