CEPEX hosted a dinner on September 24, 2014, with special guest Mr. Yukio Tada, Chairman of Keizai Doyukai’s Project Team for Empowerment of Japan Hands. Mr. Tada visited DC to discuss Empowerment of the JET Program following his delivery of a keynote speech at the JETAA National Conference in Seattle, Washington.
Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) has initiated a number of activities in 2014 to promote and expand employment opportunities for former JET Program participants. A survey distributed to Doyukai members revealed only 16 percent of the 207 responding Japanese companies knew about the JET Program, and only nine companies had hired former JET personnel. Doyukai would like to highlight this talented pool of foreigners who have gained an understanding about Japan and Japanese language ability through their participation on the JET Program as a possible resource for the 90% of responding Japanese companies that intend to hire more foreigners.
Mr. Tada spoke to a group of former JET Program participants, JETAADC officers and other U.S.-Japan related attendees at the dinner on September 24. Key talking points highlighted a number of initiatives that exist for JET Program participants in Japan that have not been widely publicized.
⇒ Max 180 days stay after JET (JET在職証明書 法務省入国管理局)
⇒ Post-JET program in Universities (長崎大学版学内JET 旧六国際連携機構)
⇒ Special Teaching License for ALT (特別免許状 実習600時間、有効10年)
This discussion was extremely timely as Japan prepares for hiring greater numbers of JET Program participants to work as Assistant Language Teachers in public schools throughout Japan. The language skills and cultural understanding JET Program participants learn throughout their experiences in Japan create a unique potential workforce.